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Katherine L. Adams
Charlotte Kathrine Alexander (Newton)
Betty Ancarrow
John Bankett
Rochelle Banks
Roy Battle
Frechena Sarah Berry
Don Bradley
Betsy Branch
Betty Jo Brown
Sandra Bullock
David Carlton
Horace Chappell
Cassandra Cheatham (Bland)
Peggy Cheatham
Constance Odessa Chiles
Anna Veronica Clarke (Payne)
Amber Lois Coker
Helen Conyers
Shirley Cook
Nina Louise Cowfer
Carolyn Creighton
Ann Crenshaw
Gladys Davis
Kenneth Wayne Dix
Linda Douglas
Margaret (Peggy) Duke (Worsham)
Evvy Jane Ellis
Joseph Ellison
Paul Erickson
Rene Fagalde
Robert Fleming
Rita Garrett (Foster)
Melvin Glover (Ras Mel)
Forrest Hall
John Michael Hall
Jacquelin Hanson (Burt)
Louis Harlow
Glenda Harrell
Claudia Henderson
John David Henderson
Earnest Horne
Beverly Jean Hurt (Ellis)
Cheryl Jackson
Cynthia Ann Jackson
George Jacobs
Brenda Johnson
Carl Johnson
Carolyn Jones
Queen Cordella Jones
Ben Kay
Michael Kelly
George Kesterson
David Kirby
Richard Kurtz
Reginald Kyles
Bonnie Lavender
Ed Ledford
Keith Lipscomb
Mary Ann Loftin
Violet Longmire
Teresa Luck (Kalopodes)
Janet Martin
Jacquelynn Antoinette May
Willie Mayfield
Sue Mincey (Dunsten)
Donald Minor
Ann Mitchell
Carl Leon Mitchell
Brenda Moore (Crawley)
Louis Moore
Sylvia Moore
Rene Morgan
Charles Morrison
Connie Morton
Jean LaNette Morton
Bertram Motley
Bill Mudd
Carter Noble
Ann Pate
Cheryl Patterson (Thurston)
James Proietti
Toinette Radden (Walker)
Ruby Rainey
Doris Robinson
Ronald Robinson
Ruth Robinson
Hazel Rosser
Mel Scott
William Silver
Melvin Lewis Skinner
Charles Edward Slater
Marquita S. Smith
Mildred M. Smith
Sandra Lee Smith
Sue Smith
Linda Snead
Lawrence Solomon
Janet Stevens
Cathy Strong
Lynn Sutton
Theresa Taylor
Phyllis Diane Thomas
Suzanne Thomasson
Lester Tucker
Renee Twigg (Cully)
Wilfred Tyree
Anthony Vann
Loretta Wakefield
Lonnie Wall
Carolyn Weems
Greg Williams
Lynette Diane Williams
Katherine Willis
Kenneth Paul Willis
James Winston

Guest Members

Barbara Ford (Gov't Teacher)
Bruce Nicholls (TJHS 1970)